To be fair, Rome makes it very easy for one to fall in love with it. Stone paths, ancient buildings, pizza… who wouldn’t swoon over Rome? Every single picture of Rome in my library is picturesque, but here’s my top ten. It’s not always because I find it most scenic, sometimes there’s a small story behind it. Without further ado, here’s the top 10 Photos that’ll make you fall in love with Rome.

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Castel Sant’Angelo and the after hour glow. It was spring and just across the other side of the river, there was some live music. It was such a beautiful twilight. Head down the stairs at the end of the bridge to enjoy this picturesque private view.

Here’s a shot of Ponte Sant’Angelo, taken on another day. I have hundreds of pictures of this famous bridge, but this is my favourite. The color of the sky was unbelievable.

Spanish steps during an unbelievably sunny winter-turning-to-spring day.

This one was taken around christmas. I am always so in love with Rome during December, the streets are full with pretty lights.

Colosseum under a pretty cotton-candy sky, taken during spring. Spring is my favourite season to visit Rome, the weather is just perfect!

Altare della Patria taken under the same sky as the previous photo. Since I was taking a picture against the sun, it creates this amazing majestic silhouette effect. The result was unbelievable.

I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of Trevi, and nope- I’m not going stop throwing coins in anytime soon. 🙂

Don’t you just swoon over those roman alleys, with that classic orange walls and those green crawling across the windows?

I’d like to think that the roman forums look different every time I pay a visit. It could depend on the weather, or the colour of the sky… it feels like coming to a different place every time.

This was taken near Repubblica, one of the less visited Roman gem, Fontana del Mosè.

Honestly, writing this post took me down memory lane… Can’t wait to be back.


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