I was on a Hiatus from this blog for about two months, and the reason for that is that I was away on a vacation! Well, not really a vacation. It was coming home to where I was born and raised in: Indonesia.

With my just recently discovered fascination- traveling, I set off to see more of Indonesia I’ve never seen before, despite living 18 years there. And nope- I didn’t spend a heavenly weekend in Bali. To be honest, actually, Bali is not that appealing to me anymore.

It’s probably better known than Indonesia itself. I’ve meet countless people who have no idea what ‘Indonesia’ is, but know exactly about Bali.

Yes- Bali is beautiful. But it’s getting more and more crowded and we all know what happens to a place as more tourists came by: it gets polluted. I’ve always been happy to see people excited about flying to Bali, and more tourists are raising awareness, even taking actions themselves by collecting trash on Bali’s beaches. And I used to really, really love Bali. But, well- the Bali I knew ten years ago wasn’t what it is now. Pristine beaches, untouched nature? Not so easy to find anymore.

Despite that, Indonesia remains an exotic destination you should definitely visit. I still can’t believe how beautiful its nature is. Bali isn’t the only place you should head to.

So here I’ll drop a few pictures of the places I visited in Indonesia during my two months stay. From the vast blue sea to exotic animals to old antique buildings, here’s my country: Indonesia.

P.S: I won’t write the name of the places in the pictures, anyone knows where it is? Mind to guess?
Or drop by and comment the city you really want to visit in Indonesia! Maybe I’ve been there, or maybe it’s still in my bucket list as well.







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