Not only Wurst (sausage), especially Frankfurter… this city located on the Main Riverbank is also where you will find the excellent burger of Der Fette Bulle. If you’re starving or patience is not your virtue, then this might not be the place for you. It’s packed from opening to closing hours by tourists and locals alike.

The very best thing about Der Fette Bulle is that it’s directly across the main central station. Arriving in Frankfurt and then munching on the best burger 15 minutes later? That’s just the dream, isn’t it?


I don’t only come for the burgers, I come for their rustic interiors too! They have a wall of bricks on the one side, while on the other side it’s a rack filed with vintage wine bottles. It doesn’t stop there, they even project a black and white movie on their brick walls!

Der Fette Bulle has this small bar shaped like a small house, with glasses hanging and lines of aperitifs you should try.





Knowing the famous waiting-time and full-crowd of Der Fette Bulle, I decided to have lunch on an odd hour (2 pm). You can do this if you would like to avoid the long queue. Coming here at 12 or 1 would require some patience, both to get seated and to order.

Their main burger was named after themselves, “Der Fette Bulle”. Double patty, double cheese, bio-egg, beef ham, tomato, cucumber and drizzled with Barbecue sauce- It ain’t that hard to understand why it’s theburger of this restaurant.

Instead of that monstrous “Der Fette Bulle” burger, I’m more of a fan of their cheeseburger. Although even cheeseburger won’t compare to the love I have for their sweet potato fries. They aren’t greasy, and not a hint of soggy. My favourite part is ordering the extra sauce from their wide varieties of option.

If you’re not a fluent in german, no need to worry! They have both german and english menu available, and you can definitely order in english.

Not quite feeling it to eat meat today? Don’t worry, they have a set of veggie-burgers menu as well. They also have this special offer, where you can get “a burger-of-the-day” and fries/salad for the price of 8.99 €.


This one is their New York burger, which was quite recently added to their current set of menu. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the sweet-potato fries I was talking about.



This one is classic fries, sprinkled with rosmarin and thyme.

After tasting (and tasting and tasting) their burger personally, I think it’s quite safe for me to say that their burgers are amazing. I grew up in a culture that doesn’t really eat burgers, it’s not actually in my favourite food list, but this can have an exception. Well, now that I’m looking at all these pictures again and remembering about those delicious patties… I think I’m going to reserve a table soon. See ya, or like the germans say, Tschüß! (It’s T followed by an s, then comes c and an h, I know! But no panic, it’s pronounced similarly to “choose” and “juice” combined. Ch-uice!)


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